The Power in Authentic Freedom: 7 Ways to Unleash Your Frequencies for Healing

Many of us face a debilitating, sometimes years-long, and possibly even life-threatening health challenge. For some of us, we are in the eye of that storm right now. The health crisis can be mental, emotional, physical, or even spiritual.


The diagnosis itself nor the symptoms are of no real import. What is of paramount importance is that only the truth heals. Here are seven ways to tangibly tap into your truth which raises your frequency and heals you on all levels.

1. Strengthen the Will

Give yourself 3 goals every day and complete them – no matter what. Your goals can be as simple as cleaning your bedroom or washing and folding the laundry. Each promise you keep to your yourself strengthens your will. Soon enough, there will be no challenge to great that your indomitable will cannot overcome. 

2. Question the Questioner

The voice in our head (which is just a biological fight or flight response – not the Real You) has the greatest effect upon our life and health. Doubting yourself creates a massive energetic contraction. It sends a wave of electricity throughout your entire bio-field and physical body that reverses the healing process. Next time you worry or doubt, simply ask yourself, ‘who is that doubts?’ The answer you will get will be ‘me. I’m the one who doubts. Then ask yourself, who am I?’ You will get no answer because the voice inside your head is not you – it’s just fear. This practice brings back clarity and will serve as a catalyst to move forward with courage.

3. Empower Yourself with Presence

Expectations, even the grandest of them, are limitations. Expectations remove the infinite possibilities your healing can manifest by contracting your perception to only see your expectation. When you expect your healing to come in a certain way or in a certain form, you will be blind to how the universe is offering to heal. Expectations are also incredibly disempowering because they take all your energy (power) away and place it into the concept of a future. You are left ‘waiting’ for healing rather than empowering yourself now and creating your health.

4. Take Back Control

Just like a submarine, we work best and run optimally – perfectly - when we take nothing in from our environment. Other people’s perspectives literally have nothing to do with you. Taking on board someone’s opinion puts you in a disempowered and reactionary state. You no longer are in control of your own mind and therefore certainly not you’re healing. When it comes to healing and how it authentically works, you have been profoundly manipulated, miseducated, and overmedicated. The only opinion that truly matters is your own, always.         

5. Labels Limit You

We are and possess the power to heal. It is within us. We give away our power when we label.  Everything is simply energy, and this truth allows us to transcend and overcome anything. Things – like diagnosis - are not intrinsically, authentically good, or bad, easy or difficult, right or wrong. They are all simply temporary. The more you can operate without labels, the more likely you are to achieve your desired goal, whether that is healing or anything else. Do not disempower yourself by empowering something else through labeling.     

6. You are Limitless and Infinitely Powerful

You are pure awareness, not what you are aware of. If you were the thing itself, you would never be aware of it. Identification with anything – especially the body and its temporary dis-harmony - does not give you the proper detached perspective to heal. Once you have some level of detachment from the body/issue, that gives you the ‘space’ within to work and heal. Identification suffocates and paralyzes your innate power to transmute and transcend.       

7. Life happens for you, not to you

Feeling sorry for oneself is the total perversion and inversion of ‘what is.’ We give ourself every challenge we ever face - not to punish ourselves- but to see ourselves in the act of overcoming them. Without challenges we would never grow and realize our power. Embrace each challenge as an opportunity to grow and learn and your frequency will rise. 

8/21/2023 4:00:00 AM
RJ Spina
Written by RJ Spina
RJ Spina is a metaphysical teacher and healer who overcame permanent chest-down paralysis and disease. He offers courses and programs on self-healing, self-realization, meditation, manifestation, and self-mastery. These enlightened teachings are outlined in his bestselling first book, Supercharged Self-Healing and Change...
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