Thanks. I needed to take a deep breath just now. I do this on purpose on occasion but not often enough. Thanks for the reminder!
Posted by Neil
It really helps me to take long deep breaths and make long exhalations throughout the day. Makes a big difference in my day. I am much calmer and can think more clearly. Somehow there is this mind-body connection between the breath, the heart rate, and mental clarity / calmness / stress relief. It's really cool to realize that we can control the way we feel on a moment-to-moment basis regardless of what's happening in the outside world.
Posted by Aaron M
You know, when you mentioned what I probably wasn't breathing deeply while reading your article I was like "She's right!"
I notice that when I'm working hard I'm not breathing well. I'd like to get into the habit of taking deeper breaths throughout the day. It's so relaxing. But when I get caught in the myriad tasks for the day, it takes all my attention just to not drop the ball on the things I have going on.
It's a tough balance.
Posted by greenlantern