That's it! We're done. Its time to make some serious changes, and nice doesn't seem to be working. I'm FIRED UP! And you should be too.

Lets get mad together. Did you know that American emergency crews are beginning to equip their ambulances with hydraulic stretchers that can handle up to 700 pounds? Seven Hundred Pounds..... How does that make you feel? We are out of control. There are thousands of web sites, books, magazines, and TV programs full of information on how to live a healthy lifestyle. You can watch them, you can stare at them, you can eat the pages...but none of it will help you if you don't take ACTION!

Everything begins and ends at home. We all work, whether its out of our homes or in them. A busy life is not an excuse. The habits you create in your home affect every aspect of your life. Your kids will follow your lead, you can't just say it, you have to show it. If your kids are headed to obesity...its your fault. Yes, I just said that. If you and your spouse have become fat over the years, its because of the habits you live... Its your fault. Don't blame it on genetics, the government, the restaurants, bad knees, or whatever excuse you have. Face it, look at yourself in mirror. Literally, Face it! Are you angry I'm calling you out? Good. Maybe I'll shake enough trees, to get some movement out of them. In fact, take a look at a tree. The trees that move and stretch their branches to the sun, thrive and bloom. The trees that get stuck in the shade wilt and die out. People are the same way. When you reach for a goal, and push yourself you will feel energy, and hope. If you hide in the complacency of the shade, you too will wilt, get fat, lazy, and look at the healthy trees and make jealous comments. Because deep down, you wish you had the energy of the sun.

I hope you are fired up! Lets get mad together and make a difference in the lives around us. If you are in bad shape and very uncomfortable with what you have become. Make the change today! Say it out loud.."I'm done!" And begin by taking a walk, and eating a little less today. Start small if you have to, but do it! If you are in great shape, be a motivator, inspire those around you. Believe me, some will shoot you down, call you the stick in the mud. So what, the next person just might follow your lead. Start a neighborhood walking group. Get together with your relatives on the weekends and have a "cooking day" where you prepare meals for the week. And please, if you are a parent, a teacher, a nurse, a doctor, a policeman, etc. you are a leader because of the position you hold. People are watching you. Get fit! Inspire, motivate, take a look in the mirror and make the physical changes you need to make. Find the resources you need to make it happen, and use them.

Our country is dying, no more nice..its not working. Get mad, get fired up, and get out there!


Chani Overstreet

Flower Mound, TX
NASM Personal Trainer
Peak Pilates Instructor
NPC Figure Competitor
8/12/2009 9:06:58 AM
Written by Chani
As a Personal Trainer and Pilates Instructor in Flower Mound, Texas, Chani has dedicated her life to health, fitness and nutrition. She strongly believes that if you exercise regularly and really pay attention to what you put into your body you will enjoy great health and wellness. She lives her life by example for all h...
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sglancas, I hear the pain in your response. Yes, I agree, we do all need eachother! There are some physical disorders like hypothyroidism, metabolic disease,and Cushing's disorder(just to name a few) that can cause obesity. Thankfully, there are medications your doctor can prescribe to deal with these issues. I encourage you to seek out the help you need. As the weight adds on to your frame obesity related health hazards will add on as well, only complicating your issue. Regardless of the disorder you deal with, movement heals and gives hope. We do all need eachother, good luck, and God bless you in your journey. -Chani
Posted by Chani
I love this article! Great motivation...and YES! I will work even harder then I have been! Lost ten pounds in the last 2 months and loving every pound of it. America, get ready... it's time to shape it up! Frisco, TX Owner of Bella Body Wraps Hannah
Posted by bellabodywraps
I just read your blog and at this time before I make any comments I am asking you how many people go for help but because of lack of knowledge of many instructors we have failed. I am sure you are not the first instructor out there. If you had a health problem that caused you to be obese would you still post a message like this? Total Wellness affects every ara of our lives. We need to be well balnced in eery area, that is why we need each other. Where I am weak you my be strong, we need each other.
Posted by sglancas
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