There is a multitude of weight loss strategies available to us today, ranging from diets to nutritional guides to boot camps to herbal remedies to medications to liposuction to, last but not least, gastric bypass surgery. Despite these "solutions," two thirds of American adults remain overweight and one third of these are obese, according to the Center for Disease Control National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2003-2004). Other findings were that 25% to 40% of the U.S. population is on a diet at any given time, weight loss varies from less than 10 pounds to more than 100 pounds, and most dieters regain most or all of the weight they lost within two to five years. These findings contribute to the public perception that no one succeeds at weight loss.
The missing component in most weight loss strategies is a determined focus on the cognitive and behavioral changes necessary to overcome any obstacles to a healthier weight, as well as a focus on the support needed to sustain and maintain this hard-earned achievement. A shift in attention must be made toward improving your relationship with food and activity, while moving away from the expectation that long-term changes can occur without altering unhealthy thoughts and subsequent behaviors. This is where the Health Coaching weight loss program comes into play.
Health Coaching is process, based on positive psychology and cognitive-behavioral principles, that helps you move forward with energy and hopefulness. After an initial assessment, a structured and personalized plan of action for specific targeted weight loss goals will be created. This plan, based on a weight management program developed by Gaye Andrews, Ph.D., and Diane LeMont, Ph.D., relies on the well-researched Stages of Change Model. Accountability is ensured through daily emails, while consistent support is provided through weekly telephone contact, which allows for any problems to be remedied immediately with alternative solutions. In addition, changes are assessed on an ongoing basis throughout the coaching process, with even the smallest of successes acknowledged and reinforced.
There is an ever increasing number of studies indicating that Health Coaching is a highly effective program for improving an individual's health and well-being. Weight management is one component of a healthy lifestyle and an ongoing life-long challenge. If you are ready to make permanent positive changes in your lifestyle through weight loss, or want to engage in an innovative alternative to traditional weight loss programs, then Health Coaching is a sensible and effective option to many of the frequently futile strategies previously mentioned. Let the end results speak for themselves--a healthy weight and a healthy lifestyle!
I am a private Health Coach in the Santa Clarita Valley. Over the telephone and internet, I assist individuals in developing healthier lifestyles through a structured plan involving support, encouragement, motivation, and continuous self-assessment. does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment nor do we verify or endorse any specific business or professional
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