16 Superfoods You SHOULD Know About! (Part 1)

Look up superfoods and you're likely to find berries, eggs, broccoli and quinoa. Great common foods, no question, but there's more out there! We've compiled a list of superfoods that for some reason very few are talking about.

Often we do know that something is good for us without knowing the reason why. Case in point maybe with superfoods. There are some of these amazing foods that have always been hailed as nutritious and good for health. However, thanks to modern technology and health processes, today we are able to identify these foods as superfoods and this is because they do not possess just a single nutrient, but many.

Superfoods are nutrient-rich foods that offer us many benefits at the same time so in effect you get more nutrition with lesser amount of food that you eat. Look at your lunch or dinner and you're probably hard pressed to find even a single superfood in it. Instead it's probably chockfull of cholesterol laden junk food that can do wonders to your waistline (increase it) and damage your heart and arteries irrevocably.

Superfoods are actually easily available and it's only in recent times that they've been identified as superfoods with near super powers. Also, since everyone is now into organic food, it's become easier to find these foods in most places where you wouldn't have found them even a few years ago.

Why should you eat superfoods?

Obviously, it's for the amazing health benefits that they offer. These foods are rich in nutrients and work wonders in keeping your mind and body healthy. But, this is not all. Once you start consuming superfoods on a regular basis, you will start noticing the difference in not just how you feel, but also how you look.

Eating these foods regularly makes your body healthier, helps you flush out toxins more frequently and leaves you with a healthy glow. It also helps you maintain your weight and you can continue to remain healthy without having to take annoying vitamins or mineral tablets. Superfoods in fact contain all the right nutrients in the right proportions. But there's more. So far, you've only read that they contain nutrients. But what nutrients are these?

Typically superfoods contain antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, essential fatty acids, polysaccharides, enzymes and glyconutrients to name a few. However, the best part is that these foods are clean and pesticide free, organic sources of these nutrients, so in effect they act faster and work better.

So, what are these superfoods and where can you find them? Here's a list of top 16 superfoods that you should include in your diet and see the remarkable changes that they bring in your life.

I take a daily shake that actually has all the Superfoods listed called Shakeology.

For more Http://www.shakeology.com/anthonytort

For more on the 16 superfoods see:
9/16/2010 2:46:13 PM
Written by AnthonyTort
For me, it has always been about personal development. Anything that speaks to inspiration,visioneering, dream building, leadership, and over all Life Prosperity is what I gravitate towards. This is the reason I created the Lifeworks Company.What I have discovered is one of the best environments for personal development,...
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