Trigger Point Therapy, sometimes called Neuro-Muscular-Therapy is an effective way to increase mobility and lessen pain in tense or overused muscles. During your massage, a "knot" or trigger point may be felt. Usually these occur in the back of the neck and shoulder areas. Once the size is determined i will apply pressure to it and alternate the pressure with massage. Within a few minutes most painful trigger points are deactivated. This type of treatment should never be painful. This technique makes a dramatic difference in sore muscles. Most therapist limit this type of therapy to deep tissue massages but if I feel bands of tension, even in a relaxation massage, I will ask you if you would like me to work on them, it is included in the price of your massage.
I am a certified Massage Therapist. I spent 2 years studying Pre Physical Therapy at Immaculata University. Not sure that Physical Therapy was the right profession for me, I left school & had my two children. I have recently graduated from The Lancaster School of Cosmetology and Therapeutic Massage in August of 2010. I h... does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment nor do we verify or endorse any specific business or professional
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