We all know the answers to these questions the instant they arise. We give advice to others not realizing that we should be listening to the advice we give. It's when we start taking notice of the advice we have given both others and ourselves that things start getting easier. Because we have now decided to flow with the stream rather than paddle against it, life starts to flow for us. It becomes easier for us to tell which feels a good decision for us and which people feel better to be around. We gain clarity.
People come into our lives that enhance it and we feel inspired. Inspired to eat well, to exercise regularly and to have fun. Our body starts to balance itself as we are now creating healthy cells that replace all the others, continuously. People start to notice the difference. They ask us what we have been doing to look so great.
We now know that what we think and feel comes out in our body and we make a commitment to ourselves to look for things to feel great about every day. We remind ourselves to notice that which we want to see and get good at turning conversations in a positive direction. We know that there are going to be times when we feel lousy, but we know that the times will become shorter and we are confident that now we know the Formula for Wellness, we can use it again and again and again.
We are convinced there is no limit to how good we can feel and the good becomes great. Our life now has purpose and meaning. As we feel inspired, our life inspires others and we share the Formula for Wellness with them...