I had this doctor for aprox. four years. She was the physician who followed me with my endocrine problems through the birth of my daughter and after. This doctor really knows her trade. I was in very good hands and the result was a beautiful and healthy baby and I had three endocrine problems going on at the same time! I loved the nurses on staff as well. I don't know if she's still there but Michelle was wonderful too. I felt really cared for and taken care of. I guess the only tiny complaint I have is that sometimes I felt as if I weren't in the room when she would discuss my medical issues with other doctors or nurses. She is an excellent doctor and I would still have her as my doctor if I had not relocated.
I'm not sure if Dr. Bernstein is still there, but he was one time incredibly rude to me while Dr. Gaudiani was out, and I have never forgiven him. But people can change. Perhaps his manners have greatly improved since then.