Physical Therapy with or without Acupuncture Massage Therapy Chiropractic IN NETWORK FOR BCBS IN ACUPUNCTURE, PT, CHIRO no insurance, ask about our PT MASSAGE OR CHIRO for 40.00. We include Acupuncture with your Physical Therapy for a small copay only Physical Therapist who is licensed to perform Acupuncture in Area Chinese trained in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine
Serviceswilliam scott barnett, PT OMD AP is an Acupuncturist or Acupuncture office in Gainesville, FL. Call Stillpoint Healing Center at (352) 376-1320 for a detailed description of the services offered.
Acupuncturist like william scott barnett, PT OMD AP offer services that often include facial renewal acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, Gua Sha, Zen Shiatsu, Chinese herbal formula, herbal medicine, smoking cessation and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Talk to the staff at Stillpoint Healing Center for information about your acupuncture needs in Gainesville, FL.
It was obvious that they had years of experience under their belt and loads of training. I was confident that my treatment would go off without a hitch. Their equipment was very advanced and sophisticated. I was quite impressed! They made sure that their license was prominently displayed. I was confident that I was under the care of a professional.