Micronutrient Testing by Spectracell
Kathy Shattler, MS RDN,Director and Registered Dietitian
This test measures the amounts of nutrients in your system and is a far more definitive test of deficiencies or excesses than a food journal. It provides more specific info on what you need to increase in your diet as far as foods high in the nutrients low in your system and removing the excesses (yes, too much of a good thing might cause, say a kidney stone). The biochemical individuality means that people need differing amounts of nutrients, absorb differing amounts, so until you look at the actual levels, you are only giving an educated guess on what is needed nutritionally to achieve a more balanced nutritional state. The cost of the lab test includes the draw fee, the complete lab test and a 1/2 hour consultation after the results are back to provide you with recommendations. Hopefully, I have already seen you once and have done an initial assessment of your current condition, meds, health, chronic illnesses, food likes/dislikes, etc. Some medications, like statins, increase requirements for nutrients. With statins you usually have to take Coenzyme Q10 or you will have muscle problems, contractions,etc.
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