Michele Silano MA, MS, RD LD is a Bilingual (Spanish/English) Registered Dietitian and Exercise Physiologist who was trained at the prestigious Columbia University in New York City. She has substantial work experiences dealing with individuals, groups, staff, and institutions within the Adult Day Care, private, and corporate arenas. She has a passion for helping people find their diet direction and focus, often utilizing Genetic Testing and other metabolic studies to determine what path will bring diet success. Often through such combination strategies that may also include vitamin supplementation goals are achieved. It's not only losing the weight, success is found in how you feel and look!
ServicesGastric Bypass Nutrition Adult Day Care, Long Term Care, Assisted Living Facilities Consultant Food Service Audits, In-services done in English/Spanish Nutritional Analysis and Menu Planning with food labels ( commercial and private) Public Speaking on various nutrition topics Corporate Wellness Programs School Lunch and Education Series Weight Loss Mindful Eating Strategies IBS and other GI issues Vitamin Supplementation Addiction Eating Disorders Food Allergies