ServicesJohn L. Stump is an Acupuncturist or Acupuncture office in Fairhope, AL. Call John L. Stump at (251) 990-8188 for a detailed description of the services offered.
Acupuncturist like John L. Stump offer services that often include facial renewal acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, Gua Sha, Zen Shiatsu, Chinese herbal formula, herbal medicine, smoking cessation and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Talk to the staff at John L. Stump for information about your acupuncture needs in Fairhope, AL.
Occasionally they will have a promotion or special going on. Whether its a complimentary consultation for new clients or a percent-off a certain service, from time to time they will have some sort of discount. It is obvious that their office is cleaned regularly. It was fantastic. I love that they are always more than happy to answer my questions, and actually welcome questions. I've felt awkward at some other places I've visited when I've tried to ask a lot of questions, but not here. I haven't seen any coupons or discounts for this provider's office, but I haven't really looked. They never mention anything about promotions when I'm there.