Dr Bob Perkins practices as a dentist in Malibu, California (CA) and offers the latest in cosmetic dentistry as well as preventive dentistry and neuromuscular dental services. Dr Perkins specializes in cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, and family dentistry. Dr Perkins is committed to providing a full range of preventive and cosmetic options to help patients achieve a healthier, cleaner and more attractive smile.
Dr. Bob Perkins offers a variety of dental services including cleaning and exams, Short term orthodontics, implants, and full mouth reconstruction. Dr. Perkins will help individuals seeking a dentist in Malibu, California (CA) achieve the beautiful smile they have always dreamed of.
Years In Practice35
Primary Specialty
EducationLas Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies
Payment OptionsInsurance accepted and financing available.
ServicesDr. Bob Perkins is a dentist in Malibu, California (CA) and is dedicated to helping patients improve their dental health. He provides general, preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry. He also offers Invisalign and short-term orthodontics for 6 months or less. Other services include sleep apnea, full mouth reconstruction, dentures and dental implants.