Dr. James E. Jacobson practices dentistry in Modesto, California (CA). . While understanding and providing for the growing interest in Cosmetic Dentistry, Dr. Jacobsons primary focus is on assuring the General Dentistry needs of his patients are met with early detection of problems or, better yet, Prevention.
Dr. Jacobson and his friendly and professional staff pride themselves on providing quality dental care at a reasonable and affordable price. Periodic procedure specific discounts are offered, as well as discounts for cash, senior citizens, businesses and unions.
ServicesWhile providing a clean, comfortable and friendly dental environment, Dr. Jacobson is extremely concerned about the well-being of his patients. By offering The Wand (computer dispensed local anesthetic) as well as the MadaJet XL and Oraquix (needle-free injectors), Dr. Jacobson attempts to minimize patient discomfort and anxiety.
By using the VelScope to aid in the early detection of oral cancer, the DIAGNOdent laser cavity detection and the Intra-Oral Camera, Dr. Jacobson strives to give his patients an enhanced awareness and understanding of their dental healthcare needs.
Porcelain Crowns and Bridges, Veneers, Lumineers, Opalescence Home Bleaching and the KoR Whitening Deep Bleaching System are offered to enhance and brighten the smiles of Dr. Jacobsons patients.
Call for an appointment or visit Dr. Jacobsons website, drjacobsondds.com, for more information.
I was so impressed with the progress I was able to make after visiting them. Dr. Jacobson answered all of my questions and I feel a lot more confident and hopeful about the future. Dr. Jacobson and his staff go out of their way to make everyone feel equally respected and cared for. I've seen client favoritism at some of the other places I've been, and I really appreciate the extra effort they make to avoid that here. I've never seen anyone who is more respected by their staff. The entire staff only had great things to say about Dr. Jacobson and how they really love working there. This made me want to return all the more. I'm really glad my sister referred me and my family to Dr. Jacobson.