ServicesEllen Simon Irving, LCSW offers the services of a Clinical Social Worker in Rochester, NY 14618.
Contact Ellen Simon Irving, LCSW to discuss any needs or concerns, or visit this location at 1399 Monroe Ave., Rochester, NY 14618. For information about services offered, call Ellen Simon Irving, LCSW at (585) 414-0269.
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She was always late to our sessions, she wasted 15 minutes of my time making tea every week, she was falling asleep during my last session, and failed to send paperwork for me. She lied to my face about being late, telling me that she had trouble parking, but I watched her pull into the parking lot 10 minutes late. She is very unprofessional. After 4 sessions I had enough.
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I'm sorry, but this woman is a terrible therapist who does not know how to conduct her practice in a professional manner. I wouldn't recommend her to anyone. I have several reasons for why I feel this way: She was almost always late in arriving for our appointments, she would bring her dog with her to our sessions, she kept falling asleep during our sessions, she always decided to treat our therapy time as a social hour at Starbucks because she was repeatedly making tea for herself during our sessions, she was never efficient in filling out various types of documents that I would need for other agencies that I was receiving services from (one excuse she used was that her car was in the shop so she couldn't get to a mailbox, even though I gave her the packet to fill out three weeks prior to that). Finally, she wouldn't listen to my concerns or complaints regarding the ineffectiveness of her treatment methods. I would tell her repeatedly and right to her face in very clear terms that the methods (CBT, EFT) she was using were not being helpful to me, but she would still cling to them and try to convince me about their effectiveness instead of trying something different. A total waste of nearly four months.