Christiane K Korba, MD

Christiane K Korba, MD

Christiane K Korba, MD

Christiane K Korba, MD practices as an OBGYN in WASHINGTON, MO.
Primary Specialty


Services Christiane K Korba, MD offers OBGYN services in WASHINGTON, MO at 901 PATIENTS FIRST, WASHINGTON, MO 63090. Obstetricians & Gynecologists (OBGYN) specialize in female reproductive health issues as well as gynecological health issues.

To learn more about OBGYN services, or to make an appointment with Christiane K Korba, MD in WASHINGTON, MO, please call (636) 780-9555.
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(3 Reviews)
4 star average for Environment
1 star average for Expertise
3.5 star average for Recommended
1 star average for Value
5 star average for Service
5 star average for Staff
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Korba is the worst doctor I've ever gone to! She came in and first thing told me I had gained 5 pounds. I thought ok well maybe she is trying to be helpful. But then I asked her a question about how when I exercise my side hurts but how he feels like it's on the inside/uterus, etc.Then she laughs and says, "YOU exercise?" ha ha ha. Then the nurse laughed too! First of all I am not even fat, I am a normal sized 40 something woman. No I am not anorexic (like the doctor) but I am not obese either. And besides that fact I'm sure even heavy people can exercise! But no, she laughs at me!! Who does she think she is? What a terrible experience and I went home crying. She is rude and completely unprofessional!! I wouldn't want any patient to have to have her as their doctor. I am guessing she is just a sad angry person who was not raised properly but in my entire 40 years I've never encountered such a rude doctor. Thanfully you have a choice not to spend an appointment with her. Here I was half naked and the lady's outright laughing at me and basically implying that I'm fat. So all I can do is take the time to fill out every review I am able to to warn other patients from this humiliation and degradation. I feel Korba (will not DR since she doesn't deserve her medical degree or the MD after her name) should lose her medical license for this. Besides that I later had to have my appendix come out which I still wonder if what that pain I was telling her about was a sign of, and she didn't do one single test or send me for a referral elsewhere! My daughter is in medical school and I use Korba as an example of what NOT to become as a doctor. What a shame. Karma baby.
by sierra
January 19, 2013
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