David C Forschner, MD

David C Forschner, MD
220 W 2ND GOODLAND, KS 67735

David C Forschner, MD

David C Forschner, MD practices as an OBGYN in GOODLAND, KS.
Primary Specialty


Services David C Forschner, MD offers OBGYN services in GOODLAND, KS at 220 W 2ND, GOODLAND, KS 67735. Obstetricians & Gynecologists (OBGYN) specialize in female reproductive health issues as well as gynecological health issues.

To learn more about OBGYN services, or to make an appointment with David C Forschner, MD in GOODLAND, KS, please call (785) 890-3625.
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They have really great customer service here. They always put their customers first, regardless of the situation. They made sure that their qualifications were obvious. I was confident that I was under the care of a professional. I didn't wait long at all. My appointment started on time, and the wait was much shorter than other offices I have been to. They're always able to answer simple questions over the phone. They only make me schedule appointments if necessary. I didn't have to wait at all after I arrived for my appointment. They were running right on time, which is a really big deal for me.
by mmmm
March 10, 2011