Dasa V Gangadhar, MD

Dasa V Gangadhar, MD

Dasa V Gangadhar, MD

Dasa V Gangadhar, MD practices as an Ophthalmologist in WICHITA, KS.
Primary Specialty


Services Dasa V Gangadhar, MD practices in WICHITA, KS. Ophthalmologists examine and treat common vision disorders, eye injuries and eye diseases. Ophthalmologists such as Dasa V Gangadhar, MD are licensed medical doctors and can prescribe medication as well as perform eye surgery.

To determine if Dasa V Gangadhar, MD can help you, please call the WICHITA, KS office at (316) 722-8883 for more information.
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I've never had to worry about them being understaffed or not being able to help me right when I need it. They have a huge staff that's very knowledgeable and qualified. I was able to relax during my appointment here. Everyone makes sure you are comfortable and at ease. I appreciated that they were still concerned about my health even after I left the office. They followed up with me after my appointment and everything. Not only do my appointments never get canceled last minute, they take time out of their day to send me a reminder so I don't forget. They are extremely reliable.
by Anonymous
September 26, 2011