My practice is located on the upper easide overlooking central park. It is a very customized practice treating each patient as an individual. We have a team approach and I am available to my patients after the appointment should you have any questions or concerns. I give each patient my person email address. I was one of the first doctors in the US using Botox and am always on the cutting edge using new approaches to deal with difficult problems.
Years In Practice40
Primary Specialty
Cosmetic Dermatologist
EducationUniversity of Wisconsin/Madison BA Genetics and Bioethics SUNY Downstate MD
TrainingInternship Kaiser Foundation Hospital San Francisco,Ca Residency Dermatology Mount Sinai, NYC
AffiliationsAssistant Clinical Professor at Mount Sinai School of Medicine
CertificationBoard Certified American Board of Dermatology 1985
Office StaffOur staff is very friendly and well trained. While I am injecting botox or filler I have 2 assistants with me pressing and icing the area so my patients leave without anyone knowing that they had anything done.
Servicestreatment for acne/acne rosacea, mole checks. a variety of lasers for removal of brown spots, broken blood vessels on the face, leg veins,anti-aging treatments to improve the texture and tone of the skin. Laser hair removal and tatoo removal. Dermal filler injections and botox. Eczema and allergic reactions and the treatment of skin eruptions and rashes.