Charles Harrison Jr, MD practices as an Internist in Atlanta, GA.Charles Harrison Jr, MD graduated from Emory Univ Sch Of Med, Atlanta Ga 30322.
Primary Specialty
EducationEmory Univ Sch Of Med, Atlanta Ga 30322
TrainingDuke Univ Med Ctr, Internal Medicine; Grady Mem Hosp, Internal Medicine; Vet Affairs Med Ctr, Internal Medicine; Grady Mem Hosp, Flexible Or Transitional Year
ServicesCharles Harrison Jr, MD provides internal medicine in Atlanta, GA. Charles Harrison Jr, MD is listed as an internist, which is a physician who studies Internal Medicine for adults.
To learn more, or to make an appointment with Buckhead Internal Medicine; Peachtree Internal Medicine Pc Garner & Douglas in Atlanta, GA, please call (404) 355-1966.
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Dr. Harrison made sure every single question I had was answered, and was always available if I thought of any more questions I want answered. Their staff was not that friendly, and didn't go out of their way to make me feel welcome. Apart from the staff's rudeness and lack of efficiency, I was totally satisfied with the medical aspects of the visit, which is the reason for the stars. I really liked Dr. Harrison and found him both intuitive and knowledgeable. His staff, however, was not patient-friendly.