Doctor Richie, and his staff helped me at an odd time, between marriage and divorce. I found many of my problems have followed me from an Alcoholic father and many past family traditions, about drinking, that compounded to a unknown problem, with many long fingers, into almost all the, stable, helpful relationships, that should give me help though-out my life. After, many sick and effectuated, misguided, life turning years. I found myself at dead-end employ and a resume' with a line of job building career straight from a different career. Even, after gathering many college credits and a Specialty Art School Cert. that should have firmly place me, on my way, to a fulfilling career, in Advertising/Corporate Print P/R Imaging. I found myself, in a helpful and somewhat fulfilling career but, NOT! what I wanted and knew could not serve effectively in a Graphics career. The doctor and I spoke, for many years but, with my self-serving cocktail of stories compounding a new vein in my life that served only the purpose of keeping me, from some retooling, relearning computers and getting on, with pointing my career, in the right direction and pushing on. I did however, learn many uses of generally related computer applications and prereferral, that sharpened my design and commercial print production knowledge. The doctor did help me monthly deal, with issues that may have been complicating my communications and relationships with Manage., Employ and Vendors causing an already time-critical functionality of the Advertising Graphics/Print PR Business. With-out Dr. Ritchie's patient easing and guidance, in plain-old everyday getting along, I did stay where pointed and achieved much career related advancement.
I got injured, in a serious auto accident in 2005.But, with needed rehab. But, with past guidance, from my friend, and "Dr Ritchie"
I came back, from New Jersey, with a renewed, hardened, yet flexible veneer, to help in my limited god given years, to find and hit the Bull's Eye, in an reflectively, successful, Commercial Design Career. If I am in God's plan to be part of this metro area's functioning commercial design community: May I be able to help him, get his concern out, where he sees attention, needed. As time goes on, Dr. Ritchie will see my out-wretched hand, Needing his always worthy advise and carrying demeaner.
Yours Truly- MrKMWeldin
My personal views are that there are still to much racism and still too many effected dogmatic practices needing facing. With a little time and care made everyday, most of our problems can be worked out. In the future, I too pledge to make an on-going effort to involve as many real city-wide views, as possible.
by Mr.Kelley McLean Weldin
July 06, 2018