TMJ Disorder Treatment

Dr. Bernard Ang, DMD

TMJ Disorder refers to problems that occur in the temporomandibular joint – this is the joint that hinges your lower jaw to the temporal bone of your skull – the jaw itself and the surrounding muscles. Typical problems as a result of TMJ Disorder are jaw joint pain, clicking or popping of the joint and headaches.

Treating headaches and TMJ Disorder with Bioesthetic Dentistry:

With Bioesthetic Dentistry, Dr. Ang can offer light at the end of the tunnel for those plagued with persistent headaches and joint pain.

Bioesthethic Dentistry takes into account the entire chewing system — the teeth, jaw joints and supporting muscles. An imbalance of the chewing system, seen as a misalignment in the bite (position of the teeth when chewing), can cause many adverse symptoms.

When the bite is not working properly, our muscles tighten in an attempt to move the jaw in a position that will make the teeth touch when we chew or swallow. This occurs hundreds of times each day, causing various problems, such as jaw pain, headaches and damaged or worn teeth. It can additionally affect the entire face structure, creating a clenched or sunken look.

The solution:

In a healthy chewing system, muscles are stable, jaw joints are relaxed and teeth are practically unworn. With Bioesthetic Dentistry, the goal is to return the chewing system to full health by getting the jaw into the correct position and the bite properly aligned.

TMJ Disorder treatment:

The first step in your treatment is to establish the natural and optimum position that your jaw joint and teeth should be in for a comfortable bite. Dr. Ang uses the revolutionary MAGO Therapy to immediately relieve you of symptoms as well as to find that optimal balance.

MAGO Therapy uses simple mouth guards that are worn over a period 3-6 months and are adjusted weekly until the bite is seen to be stable and comfortable. You’ll generally feel immediate relief and often after just a couple of weeks, the symptoms go away completely.

With the optimum position of the jaw and bite now established, Dr. Ang is ready to go ahead with the permanent handling of your painful symptoms. This can be as simple as making your teeth longer with the bonding of dental composite material. Treatment can also include orthodontics to reposition your teeth and/or your jaw, or the use of crowns to lengthen or reposition teeth. In severe and rare cases, jaw surgery might be needed.

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