The American Dental Association recommends that you see your dentist every six months to maintain optimum dental health. During a normal check-up Michael P Gelbart, Dr. will clean your teeth. During a dental cleaning, plaque and tartar deposits are removed. If tartar builds up, it creates a breeding ground for bacteria. The purpose of getting yo...
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Teeth whitening is used to restore discolored teeth to their natural teeth color. The discoloration may be from years of coffee consumption, wine drinking, or even smoking. Teeth whitening is now one of the most common procedures in the field of cosmetic dentistry.
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Dental veneers are thin shells made up of plastic or other materials that are placed over patients’ teeth to protect them from surface damage or to improve their aesthetic appearance. Depending on their structure, veneers may be directly built up in the patient’s mouth or fabricated elsewhere and later bonded to the particular teeth. And becaus...
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Dentures are essentially removable replacements for missing teeth. Two types of dentures are available: complete, or full, dentures and partial dentures. Patients who need to replace an entire row of teeth use full dentures. On the other hand, partial dentures, or partials, are used when only a few of the teeth need to be replaced and some of th...
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We all know that going to the dentist twice a year will keep our teeth healthy and help prevent gum disease. But did you know that your dentist can help detect oral cancer? As with any type of cancer, early detection is important. The earlier cancer is detected the greater the chance for a cure. Cancer can start as small white or red spots in th...
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