David Chesler, MD

David Chesler, MD
3025 Berkmar Dr Charlottesville, VA 22901

David Chesler, MD

David Chesler, MD practices as an Internist in Charlottesville, VA.David Chesler, MD graduated from Case Western Reserve Univ Sch Of Med, Cleveland Oh 44106.
Primary Specialty


Education Case Western Reserve Univ Sch Of Med, Cleveland Oh 44106
Training Fletcher Allen Hlth Care, Internal Medicine
Services David Chesler, MD provides internal medicine in Charlottesville, VA. David Chesler, MD is listed as an internist, which is a physician who studies Internal Medicine for adults.

To learn more, or to make an appointment with David Chesler, MD in Charlottesville, VA, please call (434) 973-1831.
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He makes medical care decisions based on medical record review, without actually examining the patient or consulting with patient's other specialists. He does not answer questions honestly. He does not explain his medical care decisions. As a physician myself, in practice for over 30 years, he has to be one of the worst internists that I have ever dealt with.
by yalemd xxx.xxx.218.185
April 08, 2016