Ali Khan, MD

Ali Khan, MD
St Josephs Physicians Group Db A Upshur Medical Management S 94 W Main St Buckhannon, WV 26201

Ali Khan, MD

Ali Khan, MD practices as an Internist in Buckhannon, WV.Ali Khan, MD graduated from King Edward Med Coll, Univ Of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
Primary Specialty


Education King Edward Med Coll, Univ Of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
Training Mc Laren Reg Med Ctr, Internal Medicine; Nassau Co Med Ctr, Internal Medicine
Services Ali Khan, MD provides internal medicine in Buckhannon, WV. Ali Khan, MD is listed as an internist, which is a physician who studies Internal Medicine for adults.

To learn more, or to make an appointment with St Josephs Physicians Group Db A Upshur Medical Management S in Buckhannon, WV, please call (304) 473-2202.
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(3 Reviews)
3 star average for Service
4.5 star average for Environment
5 star average for Staff
4 star average for Recommended
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April 12, 2014

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