
Changes 500 North Elida Winnebago, IL 61088


Changes is a Salon facility at 500 North Elida in Winnebago, IL.
Primary Specialty


Services Changes is a salon in Winnebago, IL 61088.

Salons like Changes offer services that often include haircuts, nails services, waxing, manicures and pedicures.

Contact Changes and discus your beauty needs or stop by at 500 North Elida, Winnebago, IL 61088. For a description of services offered, call Changes at (815) 335-7241
Consumer Feedback
(2 Reviews)
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Does this provider always take that extra step to make you feel special?
Absolutely, they always make me feel like I'm their only patient.
Was this provider late to your appointments?
Not at all, I showed up early and they were ready to see me
Were you able to get answers to simple questions from this provider without scheduling an appointment?
Absolutely! I'm always able to get my questions answered over the phone right away!
Is this provider easy to reach in an emergency?
Absolutely! I can always count on them
Did this provider pressure you to purchase any unnecessary products during your visit?
Absolutely not! I was never uncomfortable
by Nancee Carmody
January 31, 2013

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Does this provider promptly return your phone calls?
Definitely! They always call me back very quickly!
Is this business in a safe neighborhood?
Absolutely, It is the safest neighborhood around
Did you spend a lot of time in the waiting room at this provider's office?
No, my appointment started at the scheduled time
Did the stylist style your hair the way you asked?
Yes, It was exactly how I like my hair styled.
by Anonymous
April 17, 2011
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