

Our office is family owned and we take a great deal of pride that we have been part of the community for over 20 years. Thank you to the families that we treat and allowing us to treat your family, co-workers and friends. We enjoy seeing our patients get well and being a positive part of the Burleson community.

There are many services provided by our clinic, but the most important is that we give our utmost attention to each individual patient we have. We strive to provide exemplary service to each and every person to walk through our door. We provide individual consultations and medical histories, followed by an examination on all of our new patients. Depending on the findings of the exam, additional services may be suggested, such as X-rays and other diagnostic studies. Treatment includes chiropractic manipulative care using diversified technique, non-force techniques, and physiotherapy, such as muscle stimulation, LLLT Low Level Laser Therapy, Spinal Decompression, ultrasound, traction, trigger point therapy and others. Most treatments are directed at neck and back conditions. However, we often see patients with shoulder, hip, knee, hand and feet problems.
Years In Practice 20
Primary Specialty


Gender Male
Services We offer a wide range of services to treat a variety of health conditions. Our most popular treatments are shown below.

Complete evaluation, examination and neurological screening

Spinal Manipulation: A chiropractic adjustment refers to a chiropractor applying manipulation to the vertebrae that have abnormal movement patterns or fail to function normally.The objective of this chiropractic treatment is to reduce the subluxation, with the goals of increasing range of motion, reducing nerve irritability and improving function.

Electric Stimulation-This type of therapy uses light electrical pulses that are transmitted to specific areas of the body through electrodes placed on the skin. There are many different types of electrical stimulation. Some are more beneficial for pain relief or to reduce inflammation, some best treat muscle spasm, and some actually cause muscles to contract in order to reduce muscle atrophy.

Spinal Decompression Therapy

Chiropractors employ a variety of techniques to alleviate pain and discomfort. One of the more common treatments for back pain management is spinal decompression therapy, a non-invasive, drug-free alternative to back surgery and potentially addictive prescription medications.

Decompression therapy has proven effective for low back pain associated with a herniated or slipped disc, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, and other spinal conditions. A herniated disc causes pain because when it slips out of proper alignment it can compress nearby nerves. Symptoms of such compression can include numbness and a radiating or shooting pain.

The key to decompression therapy’s success is that it naturally tractions the spine, which creates space between the vertebra that in turn relieves pressure on the surrounding nerves. Medications, on the other hand, often simply mask the pain symptoms and do nothing to treat the actual cause of the pain. Plus, the effectiveness of medication inevitably wears off necessitating more or stronger drugs.
Recent data also strongly suggests that back surgery does not have a good track record in curing the pain and in fact may cause more problems in the long run for most patients. This is why many professional athletes have used spinal decompression therapy to treat sports-related back pain and other chiropractic problems caused by sports injuries.

Ultrasound- Therapeutic ultrasound is a form of deep heat therapy created by sound waves. When applied to soft tissues and joints, the sound waves are a form of micro-massage that help reduce swelling, increase blood flow, and decrease pain, stiffness, and spasms.

Office hours:
Monday 8:30-6:00
Tuesday 8:30-6:00
Wednesday 8:30-6:00
Thursday 8:30 - 6:00
Friday 8:30 - 12:00
Closed for lunch 12:00-1:15

Same day appointments available 817.447.6400

You may complete your forms prior to your appointment by clicking this link or copying and pasting into your browser.

Additional Services Chiropractor, chiropractic, wellness, decompression therapy, low level laser therapy, neck pain, back pain,headache
Consumer Feedback
(5 Reviews)
4.5 star average for Environment
3 star average for Expertise
5 star average for Staff
4.5 star average for Recommended
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Recent Reviews
Billing nightmare with insurance and very poor communications with both insurance company and myself. If you approve a treatment once at extra cost, they will bill you for it each time after whether you realize it or not. Very confusing and unhelpful in trying to resolve it even after multiple attempts myself and by direct contact by my insurance company. Ask for a detailed bill each time as they never provided that to me.
by Aaron Jacobs xxx.xxx.104.5
December 14, 2022
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Yes, I was completely at ease
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.81.172
February 23, 2013
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Every question I had was answered thoroughly
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Fairly Easy
by Clarissa xxx.xxx.136.82
April 13, 2012
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