Joseph Canu

Joseph Canu
Rochester Chiropractic Rochester, MI 48307

Joseph Canu

Joseph Canu practices as a Chiropractor in Rochester, MI.
Years In Practice 19
Primary Specialty


Gender Male
Services Joseph Canu practices at Rochester, MI 48307. Chiropractors diagnose and treat common spinal misalignments that can occur from lifestyle or injuries causing pain, discomfort and degenerative conditions.

Joseph Canu may be able to treat; back pain, sciatica, neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches, sports injuries, and auto accident injuries.

To learn more, or to make an appointment with Joseph Canu in Rochester, MI, please call (248) 656-1011 for more information.
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(8 Reviews)
5 star average for Service
4.5 star average for Environment
5 star average for Expertise
4 star average for Staff
4.5 star average for Recommended
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I was first "Enlightened" about Rochester Chiropractic Clinic , via a Radio Show

How so you may ask?

I had a nagging cough -cold -bronchitis that lingered for 6 weeks, even after 2 trips to the MD & two Z-packs

So one Saturday Morning I was listening to the Inside Outside Guys on 103.5 FM from 8 am -11am
The first 45 minutes they feature Dr. Joe Canu

I called in & explained my cold & details
he guessed " did your DR. give you a Z-Pack"

he recommended over the air, Elderberry Tea & Dandelion Root Tea
I thanked him & figured , what have I got to lose

So I went to whole foods & bought them both
Drank 3 cups of Elderberry Tea [ very good with honey]
and one cup of Dandelion Root Tea [Honey & sweet & Low helped it ]

1 day later I was able to breathe , swallow & my coughing nearly vanished.

So I thought, if he was this good over the radio and cared that much, I should visit his office

1st Visit July 24th 2010
I Met Dr. Joe and his WONDERFUL STAFF
he looked at my X-rays made some subtle maneuvers and inquired when did I last get adjusted

{ I replied 3 days ago elsewhere}

he was quite astonished b/c I was way out of alignment

he then asked me to roll over, and prayed for me before he completed the next 2 adjustments

Fabulous Adjustment
I went 10 weeks without a MIGRAINE

he sells some Natural Supplements for inflammation & other ailments

fast forward to 12-25-10
My Gal bought me a 6 pack of Gift Certificate to Rochester Chiropractic Clinic
and I went this passed Wednesday 1-12-11 and was in the middle of a cold -cough
Kelly one of the assistants , gave me a OIL Massage on my Lymphs & Sternum and even un clogged the Lymph under my right juggler vein
Dr. Paul gave me a great adjustment

And Olivia gave me a Ultra Sound treatment on my knees

I bought some Essential Oils to take home

And bought a 1 weeks supply of Healthy Chocolate

Healthy Chocolate:
Cocoa is a Bean / Vegetable in its natural pure state , and the Healthy Chocolate has tons of benefits to numerous to mention here

I drive 22 miles each way to go here , but the RESULTS are worth it
April 05, 2011

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They did not pressure me at all to return. They gave me the information I needed and left the choice up to me. One of the first things I noticed about this business was how many different areas of the building were handicap-accessible. I have been to other places where I couldn't tell how someone in a wheelchair could even enter, but they really spent a lot of time to accommodate people with all different needs. They would never suggest that I buy something that wasn't necessary, and never pressured me. They were always very considerate and professional. They have a very good professional reputation. I know that I'm under the care of an expert. I was worried that they were going to wear an obnoxious cologne, because I've dealt with that at other places, but they didn't even wear cologne. It was fantastic to be able to breathe freely the entire time.
by butch
February 25, 2011
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May 22, 2014
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September 30, 2013
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