Drive Through

At Smith Family Pharmacy our drive through window is one of our most often used services. We realize that sometimes our patients simply don’t feel like getting out of their car and coming inside. Moms with small children, customers with mobility issues, or folks with busy schedules all love our great new drive-through window where they are alway...
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Our three pharmacists, David, Blake, and Bailey, have completed an extensive training program and are certified by the Arkansas Board of Pharmacy as immunizing pharmacists. The immunizations that we offer include Influenza, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Shingles, Chicken Pox, Pneumonia (Prevnar-13 and Pneumovax), Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B,...
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Medication Transfers

At Smith Family Pharmacy we make prescription transfers easy. Call us today at 501-336-8188 and we will take care of everything for you. Or, if you prefer, you may fax us your transfer request to 501-336-8177 or email us at Simply give us the name and location of your current pharmacy along with the names or prescri...
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Specialty Packaging

Remembering to take medications on time or forgetting doses altogether is a very common problem, and is often responsible for declining health and increased healthcare costs, including hospitalizations. At Smith Family Pharmacy we are proud to offer a new, unique specialty packaging system to our patients. Utilizing a unique bubble pack system w...
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