Welcome to Livingston Fertility Our mission at Livingston Fertility is to promote the health of women.
We promote fertility in women and aid women undergoing change with natural hormone replacement. Our fertility center specializes in reproductive endocrinology and the use of natural hormone replacement therapy.
We are pleased that you have chosen our office for your gynecological problem. As you know, our practice is limited to the specialty of medical and surgical infertility and reproductive endocrinology. In addition to Satty Gill Keswani, M.D., RE our staff includes an office administrator, a medical technologist and two nurses, who in conjunction with the doctor, will help diagnose and treat your particular problem.
We want to reassure you that your problem is not uncommon. Twenty-five percent of all married couples are infertile: fifteen percent have never had a child and the other ten percent are unable to achieve a second pregnancy. In some cases, the cause of infertility is found in the women; in other cases, the cause lies in the man. In other couples, the infertility may be due to a combination of medical problems in both partners.
However, the chances of becoming pregnant are good. Of the couples who seek treatment for their childlessness, some may become pregnant during the workup. Others may need several months of longer diagnostic testing and treatment. It is heartening to know that many of the most difficult cases can be treated successfully.
We are pleased to offer the following services and more:
Couples With Fertility Problems Endocrine Panel Bloodwork Full Evaluation Of Infertility With Multiple Testing Full GYN Services & Semen Analysis (HSG)
Browse our website to learn more about us and call Livingston Fertility today!
ServicesLivingston Fertility Services The following is a list of the services we offer:
Accepting New Patients Amenorrhea Amniocentesis Annual Exams Anovulation Artificial Insemination Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Biopsies Birth Control Birthing Centers Blastocyst Embryo Transfer Blood Testing Breast Exams By Appointment Only Cervical Dysplasia Cervicitis Chlamydia Colposcopy Counseling Cryopreservation CT Scans Diagnostic Testing Drug Testing Early Ovarian Failure Ectopic Pregnancies Egg Donor Programs EKGs Embryo Adoptions Embryology EMGs Endometriosis Family Planning Fertilization Geriatrics Gestational Surrogacy Gynecology Gynecology Exams Handicapped Accessibility Herpes High Risk Pregnancy
The following are some of the basic tests done to determine the cause of infertility:
Basal Body Temperature (BBT) charting, done by the woman before her first visit and during testing, helps us determine if and when she is ovulating. It can also uncover hormonal problems interfering with conception. Bring the BBT with you to all appointments!
Blood Tests are done for both partners to screen for underlying conditions that might contribute to infertility. A thyroid test and sperm-antibody tests are included in this group.
Endometrial Biopsy is the examination of a small piece of tissue taken from the lining of the uterus and studied for evidence of ovulation. It is done during the last phase of the cycle, day 21 to 26. A urine test or blood test for hormonal studies may accompany this procedure.
Hysterosalpingogram is a series of x-rays of the womens reproductive organs taken after a radiopaque dye is instilled into the cervical canal. It is performed to detect blocked tubes and uterine abnormalities such as polyps and fibroids. It is performed as an outpatient or in the hospital.
Postcoital (PC) Test is done during ovulation to determine the number of active sperm cells in the vagina, cervix and uterine cavity.
Semen Analysis determines the concentration, normal movement (mobility) and percentage of normal sperm cells in semen.
T Mycoplasma Culture is a sample of cells taken from the lining of the vagina and cervix and from the semen specimen. The culture is incubated for three days and examined for the presence of T mycoplasma organism which is believed to inhibit conception and contribute to miscarriage.
Tube or Rubin Test is performed on day 7 to 11 of the menstrual cycle. Carbon dioxide gas is instilled into the cervical canal in a procedure to detect blocked fallopian tubes.
After these tests are completed, a post-testing conference is held with both partners to evaluate and correlate all testing results. At this time, we will suggest a further course of action. If it is necessary, surgery may be recommended. This may include Laparoscopy, which is a procedure that allows the physician to view the ovaries, tubes and uterus with a fibro optic device, or Micro-Tubal Reconstruction, which is done to surgically correct a tubal blockage or abnormality.
For more information about Bioidentical Hormone Therapy and the American Hormones, Inc., who specializes in hormones and pharmaceuticals in the area of Bio-Identical Hormones, click here.
For more informatrion on American Hormones, click here.
Livingston Fertility accepts checks as payment options.
For more information about our services, call us today!