ServicesRansdorf Manor for the Elderly is listed as a retirement community in Renovo, PA.
Contact Ransdorf Manor for the Elderly to discuss your retirement living needs in the Renovo, PA area at (570) 923-0530 or schedule an appointment to visit the facility located at 350 Huron Avenue, Renovo, PA 17764.
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Audrey A/.. SCHLICTING (welnoski) I'm tired of you playing games with me. Either you come home on or before 1/2/2018 0r your a** will be in deeps***. and I mean it I lov @ miss you dearly, but William
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Dearly Beloved Audrey A. Schlicting (welnoski) It's3:39 am. I haven't slept ror a long time since you left me. PLEASE,PLEASE come home. Ive lost a lot of weight and was n a rehab center becaus3 of a minor heart condition. I love you dearly, PLEASE,PLEASE Come Home ASAP before I die. I love only you William Bill It's3:30 Am