ServicesHigher Ground Christian Counseling Ministries practices at 435 Route 1, Kittery, ME 03904. Marriage and family therapists diagnose and treat mental and emotional issues and concerns within marriages, couples and families.
For more information, call Higher Ground Christian Counseling Ministries at (207) 439-5256.
This center has four professional counselors so I was able to make an appointment at a conveninet time. Once I got to the office I didn't have to wait to see the therapist. I was thankful for the manner in which the counselor used principles from the bible but didn't force them on me. I was concerned about that before going but discovered it wasn't a problem at all. I never felt judged. It was a positive experience. The counselor listened and offered several suggestions for how I could handle the difficult things going on in my life. I've already told my friends and family about this counseling center how much they helped me.