Craig Faucher LMT and the therapists at CDF Therapeutic Bodywork specialize in clinical applications of massage therapy to help the body heal from injuries and chronic tension. We work in conjunction with the client's doctors, chiropractors, athletic trainers, and physical therapists to establish the appropriate treatment plan.
Years In Practice22
Primary Specialty
Massage Therapist
EducationBA, Ursinus College Class of 1994 Muscular Therapy Institute (now Cortiva) Class of 2003
TrainingMuscular Therapy Institute; Benjamin Institute for Advanced Studies; James Waslaski Center for Pain Management; Reiki 1; Pre-natal massage (Sandy H)
AffiliationsAMTA, Licensed and insured in MA
CertificationMuscular Therapy; Benjamin System of Orthopedic Massage; Pregnancy (Sandy H)
Office StaffCraig Faucher LMT; Sandy Huckleberry LMT; Nick Papavasiliou LMT