Safran Rehab & Wellness Therapies
TMJ (TemporoMandibular Joint) Disorders, for the most part, are the result of CranioSacral distortions which negatively affect structure and function of the body. The Jaw is generally not the main problem, even though that is where the pain, wobble and click is noticed. Usually there are numerous possible structural distortions and restrictions that will be found among the "the Bones" and related tissues. To start off with, there are 22 Cranial Bones with hundreds of articulations between them. Then there are the bones of the Spinal Column and the Sacrum. Structural distortions within that whole "CranioSacral System" usually prove to be the "root cause" of TMJ Disorders.
Over many years, these structural distortions have increasingly developed into Soft Tissue imbalances that have become the pains, annoying discomforts and dysfunctions that patients gradually were made aware of. In addition to that, people are all different. Therefore, the ways in which these structural distortions and imbalances developed will also be quite different from patient to patient. This adds to the complexities presented to the doctor or therapist you choose to work with.
While TMJ disorders are often quite complex, the Joint and its Capsule are actually quite simple. The Mandible has only one articulation to each of the two Temporal Bones of either side of your head. Within that capsule is a disc that enables the Condyle of the Mandible to slide forward so you can more widely open your mouth.
Both Temporal Bones should have a symmetrical rotational relationship with each other. If they do not, most probably the reason for that can be found in the Spine, Sacrum and Pelvic Bones. That structural distortion will then send up a distortion wave that will affect the position of the Temporal Bones and the resultant position and movement within the TMJ and all related soft tissues. Over a period of years, this wave of structural distortion gradually begins to be noticed as the familiar symptoms listed below. The distortion process actually began many years ago, quite often from birth.
Therefore, if someone just treats you in the area around the Jaw and only externally at that the treatment would not be dealing with the "root cause" or the entire chain of events that most likely created the TMJ disorder and discomfort in the first place. The TMJ is actually quite simple but disorders are usually very illusive and complex at the same time. Joel Safran has many years of experience in resolving the effects of this condition.
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