Come live the life you deserve! Quality care from people who care. Here at the Brookeville House you can be assured that all of your needs are met with 24/7 compassionate staff. Enjoy the executive style home with the security of knowing that you can be independent and have assistance when needed.
ServicesBrookeville House provides extended-stay assisted living in Brookeville, MD to seniors and retirees with varying levels of assistance needs and/or disabilities.
Please contact Brookeville House in Brookeville, MD for more information or to schedule a free visit.
I couldn’t be happier about Mom’s new situation! It was tough to move her; but after being at Brookeville House Assisted Living for a month, she became quite content. They go to the library every few weeks and to other nearby events occasionally. There are monthly “Family Nights” where all the relatives of the residents come over for dinner and entertainment. We are welcome to visit any time. The food is great!
Evelyn Hiatt, the co-owner, gives me frequent updates by email. She quickly found local doctors who specialize in elder care for Mom and we transferred all of her records to them. Someone from the staff is on-site 24/7. A registered nurse visits regularly and is “on call.”
I never knew about assisted living group homes until I visited Brookeville House. For comparison, I looked at others and found them to be cramped and kind of depressing. Brookeville House is beautiful inside and out and is staffed with compassionate employees. I think Mom would have just vegetated in a larger assisted living center. Instead of just staying in her room, she comes down for meals and activities every day. I am confident she is in good hands.
I was lucky to find Brookeville House for my mother. I hope I am as lucky when my husband and I need assisted living!