Constance Burton is a psychologist practicing in Menlo Park, CA, who focuses on counseling and therapeutic services to help adults and adolescents receive an in-depth understanding of themselves. Her services can be beneficial for a range of issues to help you live a stronger and more confident life.
Constance Burton also has an office in San Francisco, CA, at 3352A Sacramento Street. For those looking for a psychologist in Menlo Park, CA, please call Constance Burton today.
Years In Practice23
Primary Specialty
EducationDoctoral degree in clinical psychology. She graduated from the California School of Professional Psychology, an APA-accredited doctoral program, in 2006.
TrainingTwo year internship with the James Goodrich Whitney Clinic, part of the CG Jung Institute of San Francisco.
Psychological Assistant for Karen Naifeh, PhD.
Research and teaching assistant to Helen Marlo, PhD, at Notre Dame de Namur University in Belmont, CA.
ServicesConstance Burton offers psychologist services at her Menlo Park, California (CA) location to focus on helping individuals gain insight into themselves and issues that may be causing work problems, marriage difficulties and other interpersonal relationship situations.
Constance Burton utilizes a dynamic style of psychotherapy to offer solutions to depression, anxiety, loss, grief and a wide range of other issues.
She also offers unique approaches to gaining personal insight such as dream analysis and sandbox therapy. If you are looking for a psychologist in Menlo Park, CA, please contact her today.