Dr. Anthony Abbruzzese, Chiropractic Physician, evaluates and manages acute and chronic neuromusculoskeletal (nerves, muscles, bones, joints, soft tissue) conditions such as sprains/strains, neck & back pain, arm & leg pain, pinched nerves, disc bulges/herniations, headaches & migraines, carpal tunnel syndrome, knee pain, foot pain, hip pain, and shoulder pain.
Dr. Anthony Abbruzzese, DC, accepts most forms of health insurance and also offers generous payment plans with no interest penalties.
Dr. Anthony Abbruzzese, Chiropractor, has been a licensed doctor for over 10 years.
ServicesAbbruzzese 5th Ave Chiropractic provides pain management in Columbus, OH. A Pain Management Specialist is a physician who has four extra years learning anesthesiology and pain medicine to help patients with pain management.
Please call Anthony Abbruzzese, DC at (614) 486-1188 to schedule an appointment in Columbus, OH or to get more information.