Broomfield Community Acupuncture seeks to dissolve the boundary between cost and effective acupuncture care. We have a sliding scale, $20-45 per session, and we treat in a community room divided by privacy screens, creating a unique and relaxing collective energy that enhances the effect of each treatment. BCA is Acupuncture for Every Body: affordable, effective, and committed to healthy communities.
Years In Practice18
Primary Specialty
EducationUndergrad: University of Colorado Grad: Oregon College of Oriental Medicine
TrainingLindsey completed the rigorous masters program at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine in Portland, OR. This program includes over 3,000 hours of training in acupuncture, Chinese herbs, Shiatsu bodywork, as well as thorough Western medical training. Her clinical training involved internships working at the Oregon Health Sciences University, a program for homeless youth, and a senior center. She created New Leaf Acupuncture & Herbs in 2007, and more recently, opened Broomfield Community Acupuncture, a clinic that seeks to dissolve the boundary between cost and acupuncture care.
CertificationLicensed Acupuncturist in Colorado Certified practitioner with the National Commission for the Certification or Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.