Rudraksha Ratna, LivingEnlightenment
Rudraksha & Gemstones
Valley Cottage, MA 10989
Rudraksha Ratna, LivingEnlightenment
A revolutionary discovery to identify your true potential. Introducing the world's first: "Online Aura & Chakra therapy". After this session for the first time possibly in years you will feel totally alive and able to cope with everything life may bring you!
Are you suffering from:
Emotional/behavioural problems ?
Do you have too many worries which pre-occupy you ?
Do you suffer from misfortunes/obstacles ?
Do you have relationship issues ?
Do you have unknown explainable fears ?
Do you suffer from blocks in creativity ?
Are you confused on which gemstone or rudraksha or items to wear to empower yourself ?
Are you wearing many items without knowing whether they work or not and would like to test them ?
We balance your chakras with rudraksha, gemstones and other healing items in one sitting, in a scientific manner, with guaranteed full satisfaction at the comfort of your home.
Features of the session:
Identifying your malefic and benefic planets.
Identifying the suitable metals for you and those that need to be avoided.
Identifying the correct gemstones for you and fingers and metals where they need to be worn.
Checking energy of items on your body (gemstones / jewellery/ rudraksha/ kavach/ yantra etc).
Discovering your mantras and your God/ Goddess.
Finding your most suitable direction and most suitable colours.
Checking the status of your Seven chakras and identifying symptoms and blockages.
Identifying healing items that balance the chakras.
Enhancing personal Aura upto 30 metres.
All this will be done in one sitting, in a scientific manner, with guaranteed full satisfaction by Neetaji.
Session duration: Approx. 1.5 hours
Session slots: Available daily between IST 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM
Technical requirements: Personal computer enabled with camera and speakers.
We will email you the instructions to set up the session. Please mention your suitable dates & timings at checkout. The earliest appointment slot available will be informed to you by email.
Primary Specialty
Holistic Care
Rudraksha & Gemstones offers Holistic Care in Valley Cottage, MA. Holistic Care is total patient care: physical, emotional and spiritual. Holistic care includes acupuncture, herbal medicine and shiatsu.
Please call Rudraksha Ratna, LivingEnlightenment at (917) 338-6684 to schedule an appointment in Valley Cottage, MA or to get more information.