Caring, well trained and always professional, Jim Campanella has had a successful therapy practice for forty years. Always innovative, Jim at times uses pet therapy, music therapy and play therapy with his patients. Children and adolescents look forward to coming to the warm accepting office of "Mr. Campanella" because he has never forgotten what it is like to be very young and keeps up with their world. Jim is part of a step family himself and is very good at helping clients work out the unique problems that step families present.
ServicesCampanella James Psychotherapist practices at 312 Warren Ave, Ho Ho Kus, NJ 10977. Marriage and family therapists diagnose and treat mental and emotional issues and concerns within marriages, couples and families.
For more information, call Campanella James Psychotherapist at (201) 391-9111.Additional ServicesMarriage Counselor, Step families, Children
What can I say about Jim. Dealing with a few divorces relationships with family and life in general Jim had all the right answers. He helped me so many times. Very smart and caring. I almost felt like he was a big brother. Not many people around like Jim. I highly recommend him👍👍👍👍👍