Holistic family chiropractic practice specializing in pregnancy, infants, children and adults. Utilizing Sacro Occipital Technic(TM) and Craniopathy. Gentle whole body techniques that balance the spine, internal organs, and cranium. This helps with TMJ problems, headaches, head injuries, accidents and traumas, sports injuries, infant's difficulty in feeding, sleeping and developing typically, pains and difficulties in pregnancy and much more.
Years In Practice25
Primary Specialty
EducationLogan College of Chiropractic 1999.
TrainingAdvanced training in Chiropractic and Cranial treatment for infants and children (Pediatrics). Specific training in Pregnancy.
The staff always make sure to return my phone call as soon as possible. They've never left me waiting. Their office was the absolute perfect temperature. It was so nice to be able to get out of the weather outside and sit in a relaxing, comfortable office. One thing I really liked, was that they kept me updated about where I was at in the recovery process, and how long before I would be fully recovered. It gave me more of an idea about how much time I could expect to be recovering, and encouraged me on all the progress I had made. Dr. Paul Obrien's treatment is unique in that he has an assistant that works in collaboration with his treatment modalities. He has a very throughal approach and educates about physical maintenence of treatments as they work. I have recommended Dr. Obrien to my friends and family as the Craniopathy - Sacro-Occipital Techinigue has been very beneficial for an old injury that has required on going support. Due to his careful techniques I have had no further deteriation of the (C2) area of my neck. Thank You Dr. Obrien and his staff!