ServicesMansour Makhlouf offers plastic surgery at 9301 Golf Rd Ste 110, Des Plaines, IL 60016. Mansour Makhlouf may be able to perform enhancement, anti-aging, and reconstructive surgeries for patients seeking to improve their natural features or correct medical problems.
As a provider of plastic surgery in Des Plaines, IL, Mansour Makhlouf likely offers both surgical and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures to enhance or correct physical features.
The most common procedures a plastic surgeon in Des Plaines, IL usually provides include breast augmentation and reduction, tumor surgery, microdermabrasion and face lifts.
To make an appointment with a Plastic Surgeon in Des Plaines, IL, call Mansour Makhlouf at (847) 297-8001 for more information.
Contacte al Dr. Makhlouf por medio del internet. Mi primera consulta con el me gusto y que supo lo que yo queria y que me recomendo la meora opcion. Mi procedimiento y cirugia fue muy limpio y profesional. Siempre al pendiente de todo me enconto. Recomendaria al Dr. Makhlouf ampliamente como mi Dr. particular y 100% profesional. Sigo regresando con el para cualquier procedimiento que quiero hacerme. Estoy 100% satisfecha.
I have been coming to Dr Makhlouf for about 4 years. I have had nothing but positive experiences. He is a very professional doctor. Listens to all of my wishes and concerns and is very accommodating. All of the surgeries he performed were successful and I am very happy with his work. Now I come to his office on a regular basis His staff are all very friendly and also very professional. I had only good experiences and would definitely recommend Dr. Makhlouf to everybody. Thank you to him and his wonderful staff.