For over 35 years Dr. Collins has been practicing Marriage and Family Therapy. For over 22 years he has been QEEG certified and practicing neurofeedback, neurotherapy and biofeedback. He works with clients and families suffering from many issues: anxiety, depression, ADHD, TBI, autism, Aspergers, panic disorder, seizures. He also provides talk therapy for couples and individuals that have found they are blocked from having a strong family life. When issues become too difficult, and it seems there is no help, call into our offices and begin to open yourself to balance!
ServicesTalk therapy, neurofeedback, neurotherapy, biofeedback, sensory work for migraines and sensory defensiveness and sensory overwhelm, QEEG testing and eeg training.Additional ServicesADHD, neurofeedback, biofeedback, family therapy, anxiety, depression, autism