Oneness Blessing:Meditation for Expanding your Grace

Hari Manit Fetterhoff

The Blessing or Deeksha is a transfer of Divine Grace. "A perception of being separate from those around us and our environment becomes the source of our psychological and existential suffering. The Onenes Blessing is a response to this experience of human suffering, gently freeing us from the mental patterns that bind us. It is a gift of love and Divine Energy that supports our growth on the spiritual path, no matter what the path is." Oneness Movement Florida

We will sit comfortably in a chair or on the floor and begin with an ancient meditation. A blessing giver will then place their hands on your head or hold the intention for 1-2 minutes. This is when the transfer takes place. Everyone has different experiences even days later. No matter what the percieved experience, trust in your gradual awakening.

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