The Seattle Artist's Way Center is a community of dedicated and passionate instructors committed to teaching creativity classes and supporting our students' creative aspirations.
The Seattle Artist's Way classes are based on The Artists Way by Julia Cameron which takes students through a 12 week course to explore their inner creativity. For some that inner creativity could be getting in touch with their artistic dramatic side while for others it might look like being more creative in their personal or work life. A number of our students have found our classes particularly helpful during job transitions while others noted that the material helped them to uncover new ways to nurture themselves. The tools of the program are practical, straightforward, inspiring and easy to implement.
Our students consistently report that our creativity classes have given them new insights, re-energized their passions and been transformative often both personally as well as professionally. The results in implementing these tools are as diverse as the students who use them. We are excited to share with you what we and our past students have experienced in exploring this material. We look forward to sharing with you the increased wellness and synchronicity that can enter your life as you begin to explore your dreams and hopes for your life.
We hope you'll join us.
Years In Practice16
Primary Specialty
EducationOur instructors have a wide array of backgrounds ranging from experience in social services, to work as artists and instructors. Kate Gavigan has been an Artist's Way instructor since 2009 after transitioning from working as a therapist to a PR Manager for a local theater in Seattle.
Office StaffKate Gavigan, Gin Hammond, Carol Mecking, Cyndi Brown, Katie Talbott, Ruth Siedel, Gloria Hanson, Anne Van Roden