Holsman Physical Therapy offers wellness and treatment programs for seniors and adults. Holsman specializes in Geriatric Physical Therapy and is board certified by the American board of Physical Therapy Specialties. Provides Wellness programs such as yoga, tai chi, balance assessment and falls prevention, cardiovascular conditioning, weight loss management, Massage Therapy. Also provides Occupational and Speech Therapy as well as Physical Therapy for orthopedic, neurologic, arthritis management, and cardiovascular conditions.
Years In Practice28
Primary Specialty
Physical Therapist
EducationBoston University Doctor of Physical Therapy University of Perpetual Help Rizal
TrainingDoctor of Physical Therapy Master of Arts in Teaching Health Education
AffiliationsAmerican Physical Therapy AssociationAmerican Board of Physical Therapy SpecialtiesAmerican Occupational Therapy AssociationAmerican Apeech and Hearing Association
CertificationGeriatric Clinical Specialist
Office StaffRichard Holsman, PT, MAT, GCS Jesus Carrillo, PT Epifanio Gaminde, VIII PT Michelle Gallardo Encabo, PT Carrel Lavina, OT Diana Laudati, COTA June Choe, SLP