Postural and segmental spinal adjustments, extremity adjustment, soft tissue manipulation. Nutritional counseling, immune system balancing and education, massage therapy, rehabilitation exercises. Specializing in care of the pregnant and pediatric patient.
Years In Practice37
Primary Specialty
EducationB.S. Biology-Villanova University M.S. Microbiology-Immunology-Hahnemann Medical C. Ph.D. Microbiology-Wistar Inst.&PacificWestern U. D.C. Doctor Chiropractic - Pa College of Chiro
TrainingPa College of Chiropractic Hahnemann Medical College University of Pennsylvania
AffiliationsPresident, ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association)
Office Staff2 Doctors of Chiropractic 3 Massage therapists
ServicesFamily Practice of Chiropractic. Focus on the role of body, mind and spirit in the preservation and restoration of health. Adjustment techniques include gentle adjustments, instrument adjustments and soft tissue manipulation. Patient ages range from the newborn to the geriatric.