Comprehensive Natural Medicine and Acupuncture offers patients both a primary care and specialty care solution, by integrating the strengths of western medicine and the flexibility and personalization of alternative medicine.
Our primary care offers you a principal point of consultation and continuity of care within the health care system. We provide you with information and provide treatment options for a wide range of common healthcare conditions (i.e. hypertension, angina, diabetes, asthma, depression, anxiety, back pain, arthritis, thyroid dysfunction).
We provide you with current standards of care, as well as complementary alternative options that can benefit your health care experience as you navigate your current health concerns.
Health is a balance of biochemistry, nutrition, emotions, lifestyle, regular maintenance, your ability to process stress and toxins, and genetics. We have a wide range of tools to help you consider all these factors to create better health.
ServicesOur goal is to provide you with flexibility and mltiple tools as you make health care decisions for yourself and your family.
Primary Care Annual Exams Physicals Acute Care Chronic Illness Preventative Care Optimal Health Maintenance Mental and Social Health Issues Health and Nutrition Education Supplement Optimization Prescription Management
Specialty Care Acupuncture Craniosacral Medicine Personalized Herbal Medicine Formulation Homeopathy Gentle Adjustments Restorative Physical Medicine Allergies Digestive Concerns Sleep Disturbance Women's Hormonal Health & Fertility Alternative Vaccination Strategies Gentle Detoxificaiton Approaches Longevity and Health Maximizing Strategies
There are often multiple ways to approach any health care concern. Our goal is to help you find the best and most effective tool to improve your health at that time.Additional ServicesAcupuncture