Therapeutic massage and bodywork are alternatives to traditional Western medicine, which often treats symptoms without treating the cause of the symptoms. Through massage and bodywork, tension, stress, muscle spasms and cramps can be released, range of motion can be increased, and energy can be revived by increased blood flow. We tailor each session to meet the needs of each client. We don't all have the same restrictions and pains, so we shouldn't all be treated the same. You are unique and should be treated in a unique way. Our practice is conveniently located and your session will be kept strictly confidential.
Years In Practice16
Primary Specialty
Massage Therapist
EducationBachelors Degree from University of Missouri, Columbia
TrainingGraduate of MTTI Wellspring in Kansas City, MO, Over 175 hours of continuing education for massage and bodywork
AffiliationsAssociated Bodywork & Massage Professionals, National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork