The Culpeper House
716 Xenia Avenue
Yellow Springs, OH 45387
Eric Rodriguez, MH, CCI
Our philosophy, at The Culpeper House, stands upon six core principles:
The Healing Power of Nature
This principle is based on the belief that the human body has an innate healing ability. We provide clients with tools to maintain health, encouraging productive and functional members of families and communities. We whole-heartedly believe that a clean living approach - in the healing powers of whole foods, natural supplementation and body support, a healthful lifestyle, and connected community- has a tremendous, positive impact on an individual's overall heath.
Identify the Cause & Support Optimal Results
We, at The Culpeper House, understand that unless the root cause of a problem is identified and comprehensively addressed, symptoms will return. We provide each client with a synoptic assessment, with complete history review, to ensure that each client may receive the highest quality care and optimal result.
Understand the Whole Person
At The Culpeper House, everyone is treated equally, with compassion and respect. We understand differences and realize that we each have a unique physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social, sexual and spiritual makeup which can, in many ways, affect an individual's overall health.
We embrace the proverb, "If you give a man a fish, he has a meal, but if you teach him to catch fish, he can eat for a lifetime." This is why risk factors, family history, and vulnerability to disease are assessed an addressed upon meeting with our Medical Herbalist & Iridologist, Eric Rodriguez. We believe in the principals of natural medicine, where the emphasis of health is on prevention and not the treatment of diseases; our focus is on the whole person, not on symptoms of an illness. By addressing a well rounded approach to wellness, our clients are less likely to require treatment for future illness. We believe that wellness and a preventive approach are the pathway to health, all clients are encouraged to take part in restoring balance into their lives and to embark on an educational and healing journey to reclaim what is rightfully theirs, a healthy, productive, long-lasting, and purposeful life.
To ensure client safety, we perform a individualized, comprehensive assessments, understanding that each client is unique, meaning that each healing process occurs in a different way. We discuss each client's health history and current challenges to provide natural, minimally invasive, side effect free care. When possible, we do do not suppress symptoms. We feel this prevents the body's ability to self-heal.
Intentional Business Practices
We believe in equipping our clients with the knowledge and tools they need to enhance their quality of life while maintaining business practices that reflect our personal intention to remain conscious of our community and our environment. We are continually seeking ways to increase our eco-friendly practices and reduce our environmental footprint. We strive to be resource efficient, reducing waste, recycling and purchasing products that are, whenever possible, locally sourced, reusable, or made from natural and/or recycled materials. We strive to conduct operations in a socially, and environmentally, responsible manner that will minimize our impact on the environment and respect our community.
Years In Practice
Primary Specialty
* Master Herbalist, Diploma with Honors, American College of Health Sciences
* Herb Information Specialist, American Botanical Council
* Certified Comprehensive Iridologist, International Iridologist Practitioners Association
* Naturopathic Apprentice, 2 years, Paragon Center for Natural Health
* Senior Woodland Skills Instructor, Midwest Native Skills Institute
* Shamanic Healing, Level I & II, Midwest Native Skills Institute
* A.S. Social Services, Air University
* A.S. Communications, Air University
* Complementary/Alternative Medicine, Ashford University (B.S. 2013)
* Distinguished Graduate, 2006, Australasian College of Health Sciences
* Delta Epsilon Tau Honor Society
* Continuing Education Units, National Complementary Medicine
* Continuing Education Training, American Herbalist Guild
* Better Business Bureau, Dayton Ohio, A Rating
* Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce
* American Herbalist Guild
* International Iridology Practitioners Association - Professional Member
* American Botanical Council
* United Plant Savers
* British Herbal Medicine Association
Payment Options
Cash, Check, Visa, Mastercard, PayPal